WECA Meeting Information

Monthly programs give WECA members a forum to discuss the technical developments, rules changes, operating techniques and the personal amateur radio accomplishments of the hobby. Individuals who are interested in speaking to our club should contact our Executive Vice President at Meetings at weca dot org.

WECA membership meetings are open to all.  Please bring a friend and you do not have to be a Ham!

Upcoming Meetings in 2025

Until further notice, some member meetings will be virtual Zoom meetings.

Exams are listed in the EXAMS page.  Public Service events are on the Public Service Events Calendar.

WECA Member meetings are held on the second Monday of each month. The meeting begins at 7 pm with a social half hour and the main presentation begins at 7:30. Typically our meetings end at 9:30 pm. We do not meet in July and August.  Our Member meetings are held virtually via Zoom until further notice.  In person meetings are held at the Westchester County Center located at 198 Central Avenue in White Plains. Please listen to the 2 meter repeater on 147.06 +600 KHz with a PL of 114.8 for any last minute changes.  Because meeting dates can change, please check our main page at www.weca.org.

WECA Board meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 pm virtually via Zoom. WECA Board meetings are open to all WECA members to attend.

If you have any questions about our meetings or would like to make a presentation to our membership, please send email to Meetings at weca dot org.