Dwight's Sites
N2FMC has been searching the Internet and found some interesting websites that only "Hams" can appreciate!
Click on one these bookmarks for more information:
See Dwight's reviews of some sites
Win Morse
Here is an interesting site for "Win Morse. Instructions are shown how to make ring tones for a Motorola "Q" phone using Win Morse and creating "MP3" files onto your MP3 compliant cell phone. Click here to visit.
Tropospheric Ducting Forecasts
Here is a site for Tropospheric Ducting Forecasts! The site shows mapping for North America - generally a week in advance. In addition there is an archive of previous days for comparison. Click here to visit.
Propagation Logger
This site contains propagation reports for 6 Meters (Magic Band), 2 Meters, 220 mHz, 440, TV / FM, SWL and other bands as well. The list contains current reports in a short message format and also accepts new propagation report submissions from visitors. In addition, there are a bunch of links to other websites as well. Click here to visit the site that opens on the 2 meter page.
Frequency allocation charts for the United States
This 42" by 26" chart shows the 2007 frequency allocations for the Unites States in color and can be printed if desired. Click here to visit the website. To view this "PDF" file, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat reader on your machine which you can downloaded from Adobe "free of charge" by clicking here.
FCC lookup information (not callsigns)
Have you ever wanted to know what frequency is assigned to a particular TV channel, FM channel or vice-versa? This site also has many conversion programs that run "online" - Metric to English distance, Field Strength (dBu to - from mVm), kW to-from dBk, Relative field values for direction pattern, transmission line efficiency, Electrical degrees to-from meters conversion program ? This link points to the "non-callsign" FCC database which can be used for these RF lookup lists - please click here.
British Columbia Wireless Network Society
Nice site for RF propagation tools, radiation calculators, RF cable tools, IP Networking tools, Geospatial and mapping tools and security key generators for WIFI networks (WPA - WEP). Click here to visit this site.
Interactive Wireless Network Design Analysis Utilities
This site will help model a wireless network - be warned this is a theoretical modeling and assumes no drastic factors or conditions. Click here to visit this site.
Into tubes? GM3SEK's website Amateur Radio Technical Notebook
Although the page opens showing pictures or RF Power Amp tubes, there are many conversion programs and links to other sites. Please click here to visit this site.
NETCALC - an RF impedance Calculator
Written to meet a practical need for a simple impedance calculator for working out RF network design ideas. The program can run on a Windows or MAC machine. Click here to visit the website.
Near-Real-Time MUF Map (maximum usable frequency)
A handy website for determining the Maximum usable frequency. Click here to visit this site.
Index of Handy RF Information
This site contains an index of documents that contain interesting RF-related topics such as Common Mode and Differential Mode chokes, Distortion Measurement, Baluns and Ununs, Stripline and Microstrip Info, simple Vector Impedance Measurements, use of the Smith Chart, and simple Reflection Coefficient Measurements. There is no emphasis on any particular RF topic, nor complete coverage of any particular subject. Basically it's an ever-expanding collection of various things that might come in handy. Click here to visit this informative website.
Coax cable loss calculator
The program calculates coax loss based on frequency and coax type. Use the TAB key between input cells much like in Excel Worksheets. See the guide to the side of the inputs. Click here to reach this site.
Conversion tables / unit conversion online
Looking for a conversion chart? You've found the right place. Here you can make online conversions (e.g. metric conversions) for many measurement systems either common (U.S., metric, etc.) or quite exotic like Ancient Greek and Roman. You can also ask your questions and discuss how to convert units on our Units Conversion Forum. Convert-me.Com helps you easily convert weight, convert length, convert various measurements. Click here to visit this site. And here for another conversion table site.
NOAA Space Weather Scales
The NOAA Space Weather Scales were introduced as a way to communicate to the general public the current and future space weather conditions and their possible effects on people and systems. Many of the SEC products describe the space environment, but few have described the effects that can be experienced as the result of environmental disturbances. These scales will be useful to users of our products and those who are interested in space weather effects. The scales describe the environmental disturbances for three event types: geomagnetic storms, solar radiation storms, and radio blackouts. The scales have numbered levels, analogous to hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes that convey severity. They list possible effects at each level. They also show how often such events happen, and give a measure of the intensity of the physical causes. Click here.
The propagation pages from AC6V
Click here to enter.
Want to learn what propagation means from a Wikipedia explanation?
Radio propagation is a term used to explain how radio waves behave when they are transmitted, or are propagated from one point on the Earth to another. In free space, all electromagnetic waves (radio, light, X-rays, etc) obey the inverse-square law which states that an electromagnetic wave's strength is proportional to:
Signal Strength is proportional to 1/r^2 where r is the distance (range) from the source.
Want to read on - click here.
Engineering Calculators & Converter Applets
These calculators are offered free of charge - some by vendors and others by individuals. Some are stand-alone and others function via Java from the web page. The majority are engineering calculators, but some are scientific calculators, some are amateur radio calculators, and some are electrician type calculators. Click here.
Wireless Calculators
These calculators are written in Javascript (saves our bandwidth). Find the calculation you want, and enter the various parameters required then click the 'Calculate' button. If you don't like 'em or think you can improve 'em, the code for the calculators is here. For the equations used in each calculator follow the Calculations and equations used link. Click here to visit.
RF Calculator
To use the RF calculator, enter a number and press the desired button. Click here to use this calculator.
WA7CS RF Calculator Page
These are all DOS-executable programs, each self-contained in one binary file. Approximate file sizes are from 25 to 70 kilobytes. Download in a few seconds. To download from here to a Windows Desktop icon, click on a program's underlined name. There's no un-zipping inconvenience. Programs can be run immediately after download. Click here to continue.